

Coming Soon..

"When you don’t dress like everybody else, you don’t have to think like everybody else."

— Iris Apfe

“Something Old, Something Used, Something Borrowed, Something New”♻️🌸♻️

— FW

Upcycled & Reworked.

Our Upcycled – Reworked Collection is to provide new and useful value to forgotten garments and textiles. Upcycling can be done with exclusive materials and pre- existing garments that Fitolojio Workshop find at vintage markets, off-the-grid second-hand stores and from private sellers online.

Upcycling means to give a twist, to think of another use, to take advantage of the resources we have to create new objects to which we provide a touch of fresh air through our creativity.

When you buy upcycling clothing, you are not contributing to the pollution of our planet and at the same time you get something unique and well made.

The essence of this collection is to create One-of-a-kind clothing for amazing, bold and powerful women to celebrate their individual beauty. There is no any specific style that we incorporate into the making of garments, it always depends on the flow and the texture of the available materials.

No two pieces are even the same and this is an important part of the process for us. We love diversity in people and that’s why Fitolojio Workshop’ style has several approaches.


Our Vintage Collection can be viewed as a part of our love within the world of sustainability and ethical clothing as it is considered as a form of recycling and reusing fashion.

Vintage is about looking forward through the window of the past. Our love for vintage garments has represents “Nostalgia” past eras as stories are interweaved within the garments.

Every piece gathered here is handpicked and curated by the maker and designer. We select garments with high quality and great color or a super nice body form. The beauty of existing vintage is that we find a lot of details, like a nice seam and a unique button closure, or a big collar and beautiful pockets.

When you buy vintage clothing, you are not contributing to the pollution of our planet and at the same time you get something unique and well made, since vintage clothes and accessories most often are tailored and produced by hand.


Every piece gathered here is made from the rescued and vintage fabric under the “Made to Order” and “On Demand” production. We are working with small batches of fabric e.g., 1 to 5 meters.

Due to the finite availability of every bolt we find, each style within this collection is limited, with pieces often being only one - to - three - of - a - kind.

In giving these unique fabrics another life cycle, we are able to create beautiful items for a long-lasting wardrobe.

Collections / Projects